almirah-code/ @ main
Almirah is an Application Lifecycle Management framework. The framework by itself is a set of processes (work instructions) and software components used for:
- Project Management
- Requirements Management
- Test Management
- Change Management
This repository contains the Almirah Ruby gem's source code, a framework software component.
How to Start
Install the Almirah Ruby gem with the following command:
gem install Almirah
Please note that the gem has a capital letter in the name. It is essential for installation.
Project Creation
The easiest way of creating a project is to use the create command of the Almirah gem:
Almirah create your_project_name
This command will create a simple project example in the your_project_name folder.
Project Processing
The primary purpose of the Almirah gem as part of the framework is to control traceability between specifications from one side and between specifications and test cases from another side. This is done by converting markdown files to HTML files. During this conversion, references are replaced with HTML hyperlinks. The conversion process also produces Traceability and Coverage matrices.
Process you project folder with the following command:
Almirah please your_project_name
If the process is successful, navigate to the your_project_name/build folder and open the index.html file in your browser.
Test Runs
The project processing (please) command from the section above uses test cases located in the your_project_name/tests/protocols folder for test coverage analysis. By design, this folder stores non-executed test protocols (test cases).
By design, this folder stores non-executed test protocols (test cases). To run (execute) the tests, copy them into the your_project_name/tests/runs/NNN folder, where NN is a test run ID (for example, 001), and mark them with a pass or fail results.
To obtain a coverage matrix that corresponds to the exact test run, feel free to use the following option:
Almirah please your_project_name --run NNN
For the project example obtained with the create command, try the following:
Almirah please your_project_name --run 001
Almirah please your_project_name --run 010
If the process is successful, navigate to the your_project_name/build folder and open the index.html file in your browser.
Folders Structure
Almirah gem has the right to expect the following folder structure:
+-- specifications/
| |
| +-- SPA/
| | |
| | +--
| | |
| | +-- img/
| |
| +-- SPB
| |
| +--
| |
| +-- img/
+-- tests/
+-- protocols/
| |
| +-- tp-001/
| | |
| | +--
| | |
| | +-- img/
| |
| +-- tp-002/
| |
| +--
| |
| +-- img/
+-- runs/
+-- 001/
+-- tp-001/
| |
| +--
| |
| +-- img/
+-- tp-002/
+-- img/