



From 01/23/2024 to 02/01/2024


08:48 PM Almirah.Code Revision a049085f (almirah-code): Fix: Markdown table at the end of specification is not rendered (#24)
Oleksandr Ivanov
08:46 PM Bug #24 (In Progress): Markdown table at the end of specification is not rendered
Oleksandr Ivanov
08:45 PM Bug #24 (Closed): Markdown table at the end of specification is not rendered
During implementation of the Feature #21 the following was observed:
If a specification finishes with a Markdown t...
Oleksandr Ivanov
08:24 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #23 (In Progress): Implement rendering of test protocols
Oleksandr Ivanov
08:20 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #23 (Closed): Implement rendering of test protocols
Test protocols should be stored in separate folder (out of the "specifications" folder).
Each test protocol should h...
Oleksandr Ivanov
08:23 PM TestTask #22 (In Progress): Create an example of Test Procotol
Oleksandr Ivanov
08:17 PM TestTask #22 (Closed): Create an example of Test Procotol
Create an example of Test Protocol to verify at least one SRS item.
The goal is to have this test case checked-in an...
Oleksandr Ivanov
07:57 PM Feature #21 (Closed): Test protocols
Having defined specifications on different level (as SYS, ARCH, SRS) it would be good to support creation of test pro... Oleksandr Ivanov


04:02 PM Feature #19 (Closed): Navigation Pane
Gem v 0.0.6 is released Oleksandr Ivanov
04:02 PM Feature #19 (Feedback): Navigation Pane
Implemented as:
+ arch
++ Specification Title
+ srs
++ Specification Title
+ sys
++ Specifica...
Oleksandr Ivanov
03:59 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #20 (Closed): Implement navigation pane
Oleksandr Ivanov
03:59 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #20 (Feedback): Implement navigation pane
Implemented in (commit:82cce3329c61e0cc42f17ec4fbecc05bc119b0da)
Reviewed in
Oleksandr Ivanov
03:55 PM Almirah.Code Revision 0bb0f65c (almirah-code): Merge pull request # from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.0.6_a
Simple implementation of CodeTask #20 Oleksandr Ivanov
03:49 PM Almirah.Code Revision 47369890 (almirah-code): Rel: gem version is updated to 0.0.6
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:18 PM Almirah.Code Revision 82cce332 (almirah-code): Impl: Simple option of Navigation Pane (#20)
Oleksandr Ivanov


06:50 PM Almirah.Code Revision 66062e8c (almirah-code): Refactoring. Linker is replaced with Project class
Oleksandr Ivanov


09:30 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #20 (In Progress): Implement navigation pane
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:29 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #20 (Closed): Implement navigation pane
Implement navigation pane as defined in parent task Oleksandr Ivanov
09:28 PM Feature #19 (In Progress): Navigation Pane
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:24 PM Feature #19 (Closed): Navigation Pane
Add Navigation pane at the left side of the rendered html document.
Ideally it should looks like a tree:
+ root
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:28 PM Feature #14 (Closed): More than two specifications
Almirah gem v. 0.0.5 was released. Oleksandr Ivanov
09:27 PM DocTask #18 (Closed): Create hierarchical refereces
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:13 PM DocTask #18 (Resolved): Create hierarchical refereces
Checked-in (commit:fd3870f)
Reviewed in
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:12 PM DocTask #18 (In Progress): Create hierarchical refereces
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:04 PM DocTask #18 (Closed): Create hierarchical refereces
Create the following documents structure: SYS -> ARCH -> SRS
1. The system level document defines requir...
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:13 PM Revision 717fb8cb (almirah-doc): Merge pull request 5 from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.0.5_a
Create hierarchical references (#18) Oleksandr Ivanov
09:10 PM Revision fd3870f3 (almirah-doc): Create hierarchical refereces (#18)
Oleksandr Ivanov
11:38 AM DocTask #15 (Closed): Create Software Architecture Draft
Successfully parsed with Almirah gem v 0.0.5 Oleksandr Ivanov
11:37 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #16 (Closed): Implement rendering of images that are part of specifications
Reviewed in Oleksandr Ivanov
11:33 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #16 (Feedback): Implement rendering of images that are part of specifications
Implemented (commit:b1838c8) Oleksandr Ivanov
10:50 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #16 (In Progress): Implement rendering of images that are part of specifications
Oleksandr Ivanov
11:37 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #17 (Closed): Implement bullet list
Oleksandr Ivanov
11:36 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #17: Implement bullet list
Reviewed in Oleksandr Ivanov
11:32 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #17 (Feedback): Implement bullet list
Implemented (commit:44bd2ca) Oleksandr Ivanov
10:54 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #17 (In Progress): Implement bullet list
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:53 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #17 (Closed): Implement bullet list
Since a single level bullet list is already part of the architecture document it needs to be supported by parser and ... Oleksandr Ivanov
11:36 AM Almirah.Code Revision 63e27645 (almirah-code): Merge pull request 4 from OleksandrIvanovDev/w_0.0.5_a
Merge implementation of Feature #14 Oleksandr Ivanov
11:25 AM Almirah.Code Revision 7014c768 (almirah-code): Rel: Almirah gem v 0.0.5
Oleksandr Ivanov
11:21 AM Almirah.Code Revision 44bd2ca1 (almirah-code): Impl: Bullet list (#17)
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:47 AM Almirah.Code Revision b1838c8e (almirah-code): Impl: More than 2 specifications linking. Image paragraph is parsed and rendered (#16)
Oleksandr Ivanov


01:04 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #16 (Closed): Implement rendering of images that are part of specifications
In the scope of parent task architecture document with diagrams is added.
So html rendering of such diagrams is re...
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:56 PM DocTask #15 (Feedback): Create Software Architecture Draft
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:55 PM DocTask #15 (In Progress): Create Software Architecture Draft
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:55 PM DocTask #15: Create Software Architecture Draft
The draft of Architecture document is created (commit:902e395)
Reviwed in
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:06 AM DocTask #15 (Closed): Create Software Architecture Draft
Create Software Architecture Draft that satisfy Almirah Software Requirements Specification Oleksandr Ivanov
12:51 PM Revision 618dd366 (almirah-doc): Merge pull request 4 from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.0.5_a
Framework architecture draft is created (#15) Oleksandr Ivanov
12:47 PM Revision 902e395f (almirah-doc): Framework architecture draft is created (#15)
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:04 AM Feature #14 (Closed): More than two specifications
In order check how Almirah gem behaves with more than two specifications the Software Architecture Specification with... Oleksandr Ivanov


10:41 AM Feature #11 (Closed): Stylesheet
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:40 AM Feature #11: Stylesheet
Installation from is checkd. Oleksandr Ivanov
10:38 AM Feature #11 (Feedback): Stylesheet
New version of Almirah gem is released: Oleksandr Ivanov
09:41 AM Feature #11 (In Progress): Stylesheet
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:37 AM Almirah.Code Bug #13 (Closed): External item reference is present in the text of controlled item in html render
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:29 AM Almirah.Code Bug #13 (Feedback): External item reference is present in the text of controlled item in html render
Reviewed in Oleksandr Ivanov
10:25 AM Almirah.Code Bug #13: External item reference is present in the text of controlled item in html render
Fixed in (commit:9f46e33) Oleksandr Ivanov
10:06 AM Almirah.Code Bug #13 (In Progress): External item reference is present in the text of controlled item in html render
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:58 AM Almirah.Code Bug #13 (Closed): External item reference is present in the text of controlled item in html render
During implementation of the CodeTask #12 the following was observed:
External item reference is present in the te...
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:36 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #12 (Closed): Add CSS to html rendreing
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:30 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #12 (Feedback): Add CSS to html rendreing
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:29 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #12: Add CSS to html rendreing
Reviewed in Oleksandr Ivanov
09:51 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #12: Add CSS to html rendreing
The code is checked in (commit:b86f476) Oleksandr Ivanov
10:28 AM Almirah.Code Revision e847409a (almirah-code): Merge pull request 3 from OleksandrIvanovDev/w_0.0.4_a
Implementation of Feature #11 Oleksandr Ivanov
10:22 AM Almirah.Code Revision a2b07a19 (almirah-code): Rel: Update gemspec file for Almirah gem v 0.0.4 release
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:15 AM Almirah.Code Revision 9f46e33f (almirah-code): Fix: External item reference is present in the text of controlled item in html render (#13)
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:42 AM Almirah.Code Revision b86f4769 (almirah-code): Minimalistic CSS elemetnts are added per CodeTask #12
Oleksandr Ivanov


12:38 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #12 (In Progress): Add CSS to html rendreing
Oleksandr Ivanov


03:18 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #12 (Closed): Add CSS to html rendreing
This task is created to extend the Almirah 0.0.3 gem with CSS and to release it as a new gem version (0.0.4) Oleksandr Ivanov
03:15 PM Feature #11 (Closed): Stylesheet
The current version of Almirah gem (0.0.3) renders specifications as a raw html with no CSS.
The goal for next rel...
Oleksandr Ivanov


06:59 PM Feature #3 (Closed): Specifications Traceability
How to verify:
1. Get Almirah.Doc repository (commit:79340651, branch:develop)
2. Install Almirah gem by "gem ins...
Oleksandr Ivanov
06:54 PM Feature #3 (Feedback): Specifications Traceability
Implemented in scope of child tasks. Oleksandr Ivanov
06:52 PM Feature #3 (In Progress): Specifications Traceability
Oleksandr Ivanov
06:53 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #8 (Closed): Implement Traceability check between specifications
Oleksandr Ivanov
06:11 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #8: Implement Traceability check between specifications
Gem Almirah v. 0.0.3 was published Oleksandr Ivanov
06:10 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #8: Implement Traceability check between specifications
Code changes were reviewed in Oleksandr Ivanov
06:08 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #8: Implement Traceability check between specifications
Gem code is checked-in (commit:1a9045f1) Oleksandr Ivanov
06:03 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #8: Implement Traceability check between specifications
Baseline version of Almirah script is implemented.
1. Only a few Markdown tags are supported for now...
Oleksandr Ivanov
05:51 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #8 (In Progress): Implement Traceability check between specifications
Oleksandr Ivanov
05:59 PM Almirah.Code Revision 47566bad (almirah-code): Merge pull request 2 from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.0.3_a
Implementation of CodeTask #8 Oleksandr Ivanov
05:56 PM Almirah.Code Revision 1a9045f1 (almirah-code): Gem version is updated to 0.0.3 for publishing (#8)
Oleksandr Ivanov
05:48 PM Almirah.Code Revision c12991e1 (almirah-code): Baseline implementation of links between two specifications is implemented. (#8)
Oleksandr Ivanov
11:46 AM Almirah.Code Revision 74ddaf4a (almirah-code): Markdown table is parsed and rendered (#8)
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:00 AM Bug #9 (Closed): SRS - Incorrect Table format in the Definitions section
Reviewed in Oleksandr Ivanov
09:39 AM Bug #9 (In Progress): SRS - Incorrect Table format in the Definitions section
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:39 AM Bug #9 (Closed): SRS - Incorrect Table format in the Definitions section
During implementation of the Almirah gem (#8) the following was observed
The line:
"| Item Id | Unique identifi...
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:00 AM DocTask #10 (Closed): SRS - Incorrect Table format in the Definitions section
Reviewed in Oleksandr Ivanov
09:59 AM DocTask #10 (Feedback): SRS - Incorrect Table format in the Definitions section
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:58 AM DocTask #10: SRS - Incorrect Table format in the Definitions section
Updated in (commit:047f7ac7) Oleksandr Ivanov
09:42 AM DocTask #10 (In Progress): SRS - Incorrect Table format in the Definitions section
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:41 AM DocTask #10 (Closed): SRS - Incorrect Table format in the Definitions section
In scope of parent task (#9) suggested action is to update SRS specification to:
1. Close the line with bar "|"
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:49 AM Revision 79340651 (almirah-doc): Merge pull request #3 from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.0.3_a
Corrections per DocTask #10 Oleksandr Ivanov
09:45 AM Revision 047f7ac7 (almirah-doc): Corrections per DocTask #10
Oleksandr Ivanov


09:31 PM Almirah.Code Revision b700c609 (almirah-code): Controlled paragraphs are rendered as tables (#8)
Oleksandr Ivanov
03:31 PM Almirah.Code Revision 6e3884bb (almirah-code): Rendeding to html files is added (#8)
Oleksandr Ivanov
02:40 PM Almirah.Code Revision 0df34a47 (almirah-code): Text different from headings rendered as a regular paragraph to the console (#8)
Oleksandr Ivanov
02:27 PM Almirah.Code Revision 7115abce (almirah-code): Different level of headings are supported. Rendering to the console only (#8)
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:33 AM Almirah.Code Revision 14340378 (almirah-code): Heading1 parsing of specifications with rendering to console only (#8)
Oleksandr Ivanov

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