From 06/09/2024 to 06/18/2024
- 01:26 PM Revision be32e5da (almirah-code): Merge pull request 37 from OleksandrIvanovDev/develop
- Merge from Develop
- 01:22 PM Revision e6383c75 (almirah-code): Merge pull request 36 from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.2.1_a
- Wb 0.2.1 a
- 01:17 PM TestTask #103: Unit Tests for DocParser
- Implemented in (commit:878e8ab), (commit:e000653), (commit:17ff764), (commit:c599a76), (commit:160a8de), (commit:9ec9...
- 01:13 PM CodeTask #106 (Closed): Pandoc title format for Almirah doc title
- Implemented in (commit:79c786d)
Reviewed in: - 01:12 PM Bug #107 (Closed): Script fails if there are similar uplinks in the Controlled Paragraph
- Implemented in (commit:1a21729)
Reviewed in: - 01:11 PM Bug #108 (Closed): Recursive up-links
- 01:10 PM Bug #108: Recursive up-links
- Implemented in (commit:8e117eb)
Reviewed in - 01:09 PM Bug #109 (Closed): Add Markdown Lists to the search database
- Implemented (commit:8233168)
Reviewed in - 12:04 PM Bug #109 (Closed): Add Markdown Lists to the search database
- In the first version of search engine the only Paragraph and Controlled Paragraph entities were indexed. Since the li...
- 12:58 PM Revision af9025fd (almirah-code): Rel: Almirah gem 0.2.1
- 12:50 PM Revision 82331687 (almirah-code): Fix: Add Markdown Lists to the search database (#109)
- 12:01 PM Revision 9ec99b13 (almirah-code): Ref: Refactoring in scope of UT (#103)
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