From 02/29/2024 to 03/09/2024
- 09:23 AM CodeTask #49 (Closed): Support outgoing links to more than one documents
- Implemented in (commit:6511374)
Reviewed in - 09:21 AM CodeTask #51 (Closed): Replace navigation pane with index page
- Reviewed in
- 09:20 AM CodeTask #51 (Feedback): Replace navigation pane with index page
- Implemented (commit:779e0da), (commit:717fcec)
- 09:18 AM Bug #47 (Closed): Rendering issue fixes
- Reviewed in
- 09:18 AM Bug #47 (Feedback): Rendering issue fixes
- 09:17 AM Bug #47: Rendering issue fixes
- This task was extended to fix not only the links rendering. The full scope is the following:
* links rendering issue...
- 09:39 PM CodeTask #51 (Closed): Replace navigation pane with index page
- Replace navigation pane with index page
- 06:41 PM CodeTask #49 (Closed): Support outgoing links to more than one documents
- See the scope of parent task (#48)
- 09:40 AM Bug #47 (Closed): Rendering issue fixes
- * In the case of multiple links in the same text line
* In the case of internal links in the lists
- 02:13 PM CodeTask #44 (Closed): Implement list formatting requirements
- 02:12 PM CodeTask #44: Implement list formatting requirements
- Reviewed in
- 01:57 PM CodeTask #44 (Feedback): Implement list formatting requirements
- 01:56 PM CodeTask #44: Implement list formatting requirements
- Implemented in (commit:fcb75151)
- 01:55 PM CodeTask #44 (In Progress): Implement list formatting requirements
- 01:52 PM CodeTask #44 (Closed): Implement list formatting requirements
- Implement requirements added per DocTask (#43)
- 02:12 PM CodeTask #41 (Closed): Add text formatting options and internal and external links
- Reviewed in
- 08:43 PM CodeTask #41 (Feedback): Add text formatting options and internal and external links
- 08:43 PM CodeTask #41: Add text formatting options and internal and external links
- Implemented in (commit:f7d1b33c), (commit:d8bbd7d7), (commit:c7c5372d)
- 08:34 PM CodeTask #41 (In Progress): Add text formatting options and internal and external links
- 08:33 PM CodeTask #41 (Closed): Add text formatting options and internal and external links
- In scope of this task is implementation of bold, italic, bold and italic options from Markdown format.
Internal link...
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