Feature #104
closedPandoc title format for Almirah doc title
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In previous versions (Almirah gem version <= 0.2.0) there were two options to define document title:
- Pandoc title format (% Title)
- First heading level 1 in the document (# Title)
At the same time document title was considered as heading level 0 and was not numerated. It lead to the mess how to process two heading 1 elements with no pandoc title (first one was considered as level 0, second one as level 1).
The following was decided:
- The only pandoc title is level 0 section (not numerated)
- If there is no pandoc title - the first section (any level) is considered as a document title
- But this section (the first one) has its level (not level 0)
Updated by Oleksandr Ivanov 9 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Almirah gem version 0.2.1 was released.