



From 05/07/2024 to 05/16/2024


11:14 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #90 (In Progress): Align source code with rubocop
Oleksandr Ivanov
11:14 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #90 (In Progress): Align source code with rubocop
It would be good to use a native coding style for Ruby. Oleksandr Ivanov


01:11 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #87 (Closed): Replace the icon in navigation pane
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:45 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #87 (In Progress): Replace the icon in navigation pane
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:45 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #87 (Closed): Replace the icon in navigation pane
The "plus" icon in the document tree (navigation pane) confuses users that tries to press on it and expand the sectio... Oleksandr Ivanov
01:06 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #88 (Closed): Replace the icon in navigation pane
Implemented in (commit:1a9a87a)
Reviewed in
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:47 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #88 (In Progress): Replace the icon in navigation pane
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:46 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #88 (Closed): Replace the icon in navigation pane
Oleksandr Ivanov
01:04 PM Almirah.Code Bug #89 (Closed): Text Formatting Issue (bold, italic, mixed, links)
Implemented: (commit:7bb257a), (commit:0e5aa23), (commit:5f91ab7), (commit:bd38d2f)
Reviewed in
Oleksandr Ivanov
12:52 PM Almirah.Code Bug #89 (Closed): Text Formatting Issue (bold, italic, mixed, links)
It was observed that there is an issue with a line rendering containing both options: font style and links (URL).
Oleksandr Ivanov


10:15 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #85 (Closed): Document Navigation Pane
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:41 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #85 (Closed): Document Navigation Pane
It would be good to add vertical navigation pane with the document structure.
Since there is an index page, only t...
Oleksandr Ivanov
10:08 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #86 (Closed): Implement Document Navigation Pane
Implemented in (commit:d064cb02)
Reviewed in
Oleksandr Ivanov
09:42 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #86 (Closed): Implement Document Navigation Pane
See parent task for details. Oleksandr Ivanov

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