Oleksandr Ivanov's activity
From 03/03/2024 to 03/12/2024
- 04:43 PM Almirah.Code Revision 9f10642c (almirah-code): Impl: Add document title to the top menu bar (#54)
- 04:42 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #54 (Closed): Add Document Title to the top bar
- It would be good to thee the document title always visible. The top menu/navigation bar is a good place for this.
- 04:25 PM Almirah.Code 2:00 hours (CodeTask #53 (Closed): Add Section Info to the Traceability Matrix)
- 04:25 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #53: Add Section Info to the Traceability Matrix
- Implemented (commit:a9d7d203)
- 03:54 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #53 (Closed): Add Section Info to the Traceability Matrix
- Scope is defined in parent task.
- 03:55 PM Almirah.Code Revision a9d7d203 (almirah-code): Impl: Add bottom doc section info to the Traceability Matrix (#53)
- 03:52 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #52 (Closed): Include Document Section to Traceability Matrix
- It would be good to have the following information in Traceability matrices:
| Top Document Item | Bottom Document...
- 09:31 AM Almirah.Doc Feature #45 (Closed): Distributed Traceability
- 09:30 AM Almirah.Doc Feature #45: Distributed Traceability
- Almirah gem version 0.1.0 was released
- 09:31 AM Almirah.Doc Feature #48 (Closed): Support outgoing links to more than one documents
- Almirah gem version 0.1.0 was released
- 09:30 AM Almirah.Doc Feature #50 (Closed): Replace navigation pane with index page
- Almirah gem version 0.1.0 was released
- 09:29 AM Almirah.Doc Revision 8d3fcdab (almirah-doc): Merge pull request 13 from OleksandrIvanovDev/develop
- Merge from Develop
- 09:27 AM Almirah.Code Revision 9cc02f79 (almirah-code): Merge pull request 15 from OleksandrIvanovDev/develop
- Merger from Develop
- 09:27 AM Almirah.Code Revision c9cd3ffd (almirah-code): Merge pull request 14 from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.1.0_a
- Release 0.1.0 as a milestone
- 09:23 AM Almirah.Code 2:00 hours (CodeTask #49 (Closed): Support outgoing links to more than one documents )
- 09:23 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #49 (Closed): Support outgoing links to more than one documents
- Implemented in (commit:6511374)
Reviewed in https://github.com/OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Code/pull/14 - 09:21 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #51 (Closed): Replace navigation pane with index page
- Reviewed in https://github.com/OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Code/pull/14
- 09:20 AM Almirah.Code 4:00 hours (CodeTask #51 (Closed): Replace navigation pane with index page)
- 09:20 AM Almirah.Code CodeTask #51 (Feedback): Replace navigation pane with index page
- Implemented (commit:779e0da), (commit:717fcec)
- 09:18 AM Almirah.Code Bug #47 (Closed): Rendering issue fixes
- Reviewed in https://github.com/OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Code/pull/14
- 09:18 AM Almirah.Code 10:00 hours (Bug #47 (Closed): Rendering issue fixes)
- 09:18 AM Almirah.Code Bug #47 (Feedback): Rendering issue fixes
- 09:17 AM Almirah.Code Bug #47: Rendering issue fixes
- This task was extended to fix not only the links rendering. The full scope is the following:
* links rendering issue... - 09:08 AM Almirah.Code Revision 650e011c (almirah-code): Rel: Almirag gem version 0.1.0
- 09:05 AM Almirah.Doc DocTask #46 (Closed): Create Requirements for External Components specification
- Reviewed in https://github.com/OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Doc/pull/12
- 09:01 AM Almirah.Doc 2:00 hours (DocTask #46 (Closed): Create Requirements for External Components specification)
- 09:01 AM Almirah.Doc DocTask #46 (Feedback): Create Requirements for External Components specification
- Implemented in (commit:2f306d6e)
- 09:00 AM Almirah.Doc DocTask #46 (In Progress): Create Requirements for External Components specification
- 09:04 AM Almirah.Doc Revision 106a59d8 (almirah-doc): Merge pull request 12 from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.1.0_a
- Create Requirements for External Components specification (#45)
- 08:47 PM Almirah.Code Revision b5db5e45 (almirah-code): Temp: template for further feature extention
- 08:53 AM Almirah.Code Revision 717fceca (almirah-code): Enh: Coverage matrices are added to the index page (#51)
- 09:40 PM Almirah.Code Revision 779e0da2 (almirah-code): Impl: Replace navigation pane with index page (#51)
- 09:39 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #51 (Closed): Replace navigation pane with index page
- Replace navigation pane with index page
- 09:39 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #50 (Closed): Replace navigation pane with index page
- Replace navigation pane with index page
- 06:22 PM Almirah.Code Revision 588fbc91 (almirah-code): Enh: Traceability matrixes should be not agregated (one doc to only one doc) (#47)
- 04:12 PM Almirah.Code Revision 14d95d56 (almirah-code): Merge branch 'wb_0.1.0_a' of github.com:OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Code into wb_0.1.0_a
- 04:10 PM Almirah.Code Revision 07af623d (almirah-code): Enh: Show the download link id if it is single (#47)
- 02:44 PM Almirah.Code Revision 0e1b003f (almirah-code): Enh: Show the download link id if it is single (#47)
- 09:46 AM Almirah.Code Revision 4a4d0d9b (almirah-code): Fix: Ordered list extra 1. issue (#47)
- 06:41 PM Almirah.Code Revision 6511374d (almirah-code): Impl: Support outgoing links to more than two specifications (#48)
- 06:41 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #49 (Closed): Support outgoing links to more than one documents
- See the scope of parent task (#48)
- 06:39 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #48 (Closed): Support outgoing links to more than one documents
- In the case if one document requires references to two external specifications the Almirah gem shall support it.
F... - 09:20 AM Almirah.Code Revision f08ac2d5 (almirah-code): Fix: missing braces after rendering (#47)
- 02:40 PM Almirah.Code Revision bf928439 (almirah-code): Fix: Image margin top (#47)
- 09:42 AM Almirah.Code Revision e8db834b (almirah-code): Fix: links rendering issue (#47)
- 09:40 AM Almirah.Code Bug #47 (Closed): Rendering issue fixes
- * In the case of multiple links in the same text line
* In the case of internal links in the lists
- 07:35 PM Almirah.Doc Revision 2f306d6e (almirah-doc): Doc: RFEC specitication is added (#46)
- 07:33 PM Almirah.Doc DocTask #46 (Closed): Create Requirements for External Components specification
- Create RFEC specification with the up-links to ARCH.
- 07:32 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #45 (In Progress): Distributed Traceability
- 07:31 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #45 (Closed): Distributed Traceability
- One more specification shall be created with the references to the ARCH document. Since the references from SRS to AR...
- 07:24 PM Almirah.Doc TestTask #32: Test Basic Statistics feature
- Test task is moved from version 0.0.8 to version 0.1.0
- 02:34 PM Almirah.Code Revision 4f7079fc (almirah-code): Merge pull request 13 from OleksandrIvanovDev/develop
- Merge from Develop
- 02:33 PM Almirah.Doc Revision c76aece3 (almirah-doc): Merge pull request 11 from OleksandrIvanovDev/develop
- Merge from Develop
- 02:30 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #33 (Closed): Traceability Matrix
- 02:30 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #35 (Closed): Anchors for Controlled Items
- 02:26 PM Almirah.Doc Wiki edit: Supported_Tags (#19)
- 02:25 PM Almirah.Doc Wiki edit: Supported_Tags (#18)
- 02:25 PM Almirah.Doc Wiki edit: Supported_Tags (#17)
- 02:24 PM Almirah.Doc Wiki edit: Supported_Tags (#16)
- 02:20 PM Almirah.Doc Feature #37 (Closed): Minimalistic set of Markdown tags
- Almirah gem version 0.0.9 was released.
- 02:16 PM Almirah.Doc DocTask #43 (Closed): Add list formating requirements
- Reviewed in https://github.com/OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Doc/pull/10
- 01:58 PM Almirah.Doc DocTask #43 (Feedback): Add list formating requirements
- 01:58 PM Almirah.Doc 1:30 hour (DocTask #43 (Closed): Add list formating requirements)
- 01:58 PM Almirah.Doc DocTask #43: Add list formating requirements
- Requirements are added in (commit:28707b61)
- 01:46 PM Almirah.Doc DocTask #43 (In Progress): Add list formating requirements
- 01:45 PM Almirah.Doc DocTask #43 (Closed): Add list formating requirements
- The following lists shall be supported
* Unordered
* Ordered
* Nested and Mixed
- 02:15 PM Almirah.Doc DocTask #42 (Closed): Add text formatting requirements
- Reviewed in https://github.com/OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Doc/pull/10
- 02:14 PM Almirah.Doc 0:30 hour (DocTask #40 (Closed): Add reference table to each specification)
- 02:14 PM Almirah.Doc DocTask #40 (Closed): Add reference table to each specification
- Reviwed in https://github.com/OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Doc/pull/10
- 02:13 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #44 (Closed): Implement list formatting requirements
- 02:12 PM Almirah.Code 0:30 hour (CodeTask #44 (Closed): Implement list formatting requirements)
- 02:12 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #44: Implement list formatting requirements
- Reviewed in https://github.com/OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Code/pull/12
- 01:57 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #44 (Feedback): Implement list formatting requirements
- 01:56 PM Almirah.Code 9:00 hours (CodeTask #44 (Closed): Implement list formatting requirements)
- 01:56 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #44: Implement list formatting requirements
- Implemented in (commit:fcb75151)
- 01:55 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #44 (In Progress): Implement list formatting requirements
- 01:52 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #44 (Closed): Implement list formatting requirements
- Implement requirements added per DocTask (#43)
- 02:12 PM Almirah.Code 0:30 hour (CodeTask #41 (Closed): Add text formatting options and internal and external links)
- 02:12 PM Almirah.Code CodeTask #41 (Closed): Add text formatting options and internal and external links
- Reviewed in https://github.com/OleksandrIvanovDev/Almirah.Code/pull/12
- 02:11 PM Almirah.Code Revision 06266118 (almirah-code): Merge pull request 12 from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.0.9_a
- Minimalistic set of Markdown tags (#37)
- 02:08 PM Almirah.Code Revision b54c0386 (almirah-code): Rel: Almirah gem version 0.0.9
- 02:03 PM Almirah.Doc Revision 08566c88 (almirah-doc): Merge pull request 10 from OleksandrIvanovDev/wb_0.0.9_a
- Minimalistic set of Markdown tags (#37)
- 01:54 PM Almirah.Code Revision fcb75151 (almirah-code): Impl: Lists formating. Ordered, Unordered, Mixed and Nested (#44)
- 01:48 PM Almirah.Doc Revision 28707b61 (almirah-doc): Doc: Add list formating requirements (#43)
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